Brasserie/Restaurant De Nieuwe BosrandKasterlee, Belgium
Idyllically situated in Belgian Kasterlee and at a walking distance from the Kabouterbos you will find Brasserie / Restaurant De Nieuwe Bosrand.
Because of its location and the green environment, insects often trouble us in spring and summer.
From silver fish in wet autumn and winter to annoying (fruit) flies, moths, mosquitos and wasps in summer.
We have chosen to start with two sets in order to prevent nuisance of all kinds of insects at the places they bothered us most.
The sets have been placed both in the kitchen as in the restaurant.
By placing the two sets at a height in the spaces, they make sure that they work and spread better.
VAPOSECT is just amazing to combat and prevent insects from coming. We are very satisfied, it is recommended for both professional as home use.
Hans van Bunder